- Mermaid, “Entity Relationship Diagrams” - Accessed 2024-11-02
- Lucidchart, “What is an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)?” - Accessed 2024-11-02, archived on 2021-10-18
ER Diagrams are used to illustrate the relationship of tables or entities in databases.
- Entities store information and can be thought of like proper nouns. It is represented as a rectangle.
- Entity type is the group of the entity (like common nouns). For example, the student is the entity type, while the specific student is the entity.
- Entity set is like entity type but with time.
- Entity categories:
- Strong entity: An entity defined solely by its attributes
- Weak entity: An entity that is not only defined by its own attributes.
- Associative entity: Ties entities with entity sets.
- Entity keys:
- Super key: is the set of attributes that define an entity in an entity set.
- Candidate key: a super key with the minimum amount of attributes needed to be a super key.
- Primary key: a candidate key used to uniquely identify an entity set.
- Foreign key: indicates the relationship between entities.
- Relationships are like verbs to nouns in which verbs illustrate how nouns interact with each other. It is represented as a diamond.
- A recursive relationship is one where the same entity interacts with another entity multiple times.
- Attributes indicate the properties of an entity (like adjectives), while descriptive attributes indicate the properties of a relationship (like adverbs). They are usually represented using an oval or circle.
- Attribute categories
- Simple: Denotes that the attribute cannot be divided into simpler parts.
- Composite: Denotes that the attribute is composed of simpler attributes known as sub-attributes.
- Derived: Indicates that the attribute is either derived from other attributes or is computed.
- A multi-value attribute implies that the entity has more than one value for a particular attribute. Conversely, a single-value implies that it only holds a single value.
- Cardinality refers to the numerical property of the relationship between two entities/entity sets.