
  1. Farhan Sheikh, EEEProject, “Open Loop System [Explained] in Detail” - 2017-09-18, archived on 2024-09-13
  2. El Pro Cus, “What is an Open Loop Control System & Its Working” - Accessed 2024-09-13
  3. Vivien Beverley Fletcher, “Systems Approach Universal System” - 2015
  4. D. Hoyt, Y. Adonyi, S. Kim, Welding Journal, “Microwave Joining — Part 1 : Closed Loop Controlled Microwave Soldering of Lead Telluride to Copper” - 2016
  5. Electronics Coach, “Examples of Closed-Loop Control System” - Accessed on 2024-09-13
  6. Ravi Teja, ElectronicsHub, “Closed Loop System: How It Works & Examples” - 2024-06-21
  7. Electronics Tutorials, “Closed-loop Systems” - Accessed on 09-13-2024

Basic Parts

  1. Reference input: an external signal applied to the summing point
  2. Summing point: sum of all inputs
  3. Control elements: controls the process by sending a control signal
  4. Plant: the system controlled by the feedback control system
  5. Controlled output: output of the plant
  6. Feedback elements:

Open Loop Systems

1. Clothes Dryer

  • It does not depend on the output and will stop based on the timer.
Reference Input ()Timer
Control Elements ()Controller
Plant ()Heating element
Controlled Output ()Clothes Dryness

2. Traffic light

Reference Input ()Internal Timer
Control Elements ()Controller
Plant ()Traffic Lights
Controlled Output ()Traffic Signal Output

3. Flashlights

Reference Input ()Light Switch
Control Elements ()Controller
Plant ()Bulb
Controlled Output ()Light

4. Water Faucet

Reference Input ()Tap Handle
Control Elements ()Valve
Plant ()Water Level
Controlled Output ()Flood

Closed Loop Systems

1. Microwave

Reference Input ()Temperature and Time Selector
Control Elements ()Controller
Plant ()- Motor
- Fan
- Heater
Controlled Output ()Heat
Feedback Elements ()Thermostat

2. Temperature Control System

Reference Input ()Temperature Selector
Control Elements ()Valve
Plant ()Tank
Controlled Output ()Achieved Temperature
Feedback Elements ()Pressure Thermometer

3. Current Limit Control

Reference Input ()Current
Control Elements ()Controller
Plant ()- Converter
- Motor
Controlled Output ()Load
Feedback Elements ()Current Sensor

4. Motor Controller

Reference Input ()Desired Speed
Control Elements ()- Gain
- Op-Amp
Plant ()- DC Motor
- Rotating Shaft
Controlled Output ()Actual Speed
Feedback Elements ()Tachometer