
Goal: 410 words


  1. United States
    1. Emphasizes the importance of human unity because it results in order in the world.
      1. CAF funding for rural areas
      2. Better living conditions to mitigate conflict.
    2. Role of institutions in achieving their interests
      1. Every dollar invested in broadband returns nearly 4 USD to their economy.
      2. FCC incentive auctions
  2. South Korea
    1. Treat people as ends.
      1. Emphasis on inclusivity and principle
      2. Address discriminatory laws
    2. Minimizes selfishness and encourages communication
      1. Focus on enhancing everyone’s digital capabilities; therefore, it minimizes selfishness and promote cooperation and communication between its citizens.
      2. Making a digital inclusion coalition to encourage cooperation between citizens and businesses.


  1. United States
    1. Progressivism in the United States, and changes in political trends.
    2. Evolving ethical norms that encourages equality; hence, it compelling the country to assist those in rural areas.
    3. Social structure shape the behavior of actors, as ideas and concepts change on what is “moral”, actors adjust and alter their response.
  2. South Korea
    1. What is discriminatory and what is not evolve, hence elimination of discriminatory laws.
    2. Recognition of importance of internet and how it becomes more essential in life based on norms. Therefore, encouraging the government to develop it for underserved communities as well.