Problem Statement

  1. Background
    1. Over the past decade, radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology has attracted significant attention and become very popular in different applications, such as identification, management, and monitoring.
    2. It helps people from
      1. healthcare sector
      2. logistics
      3. manufacturing
  2. Relevance
    1. nevertheless one of its challenges is the price
    2. there are also security and privacy concerns
  3. Objectives
    1. In contrast to the reported RFID antenna designs, the presented design exhibits wider impedance bandwidth at lower and upper operation bands with higher gain values, especially at the upper band. The antenna operation bandwidth is highly sensitive to small changes in the fabrication process. There must be very strict guidelines in order to avoid shifting of the resonance to lower or higher frequencies outside the required narrow band of interest. This drawback could be avoided if a wideband antenna is designed instead. The proposed RFID antenna provides more than 85% total efficiency characteristic at the resonant frequencies



  1. A. A. Bhoot, S. A. Memon, A. Ahmed, and S. Hussain
    • Various advantages such as: easy to configure, low weight and low cost make microstrip patch antenna (MPA) the first choice for wireless communication system.
    • In this paper we present the comparative performance analysis of 4 different shaped antennas. The shapes taken into consider are E, T, H and F. The antenna is designed to operate at is 2.4 GHz.
    • The E-shaped patch antenna is found much better than the others with overall gain of 7.2 dB at 2.4 GHz. Which is suitable for RFID reader application.
    • The variations in design parameters highly affect specially, the gain, RL, and direction of power radiations. Among the tested shapes, we conclude that E-shaped MPA is more suitable for the practical applications. The E-shaped antenna can be used for any application where wide bandwidth is required. Moreover, E- shape can also be used for multi-band applications and for size reduction of antenna particularly for the low frequency antennas below 1 GHz band We have investigated that E-shaped MPA has better results as compare to other shapes of MPA, the designed antenna is suitable for application such as RFID reader and various fields.
  2. G. M. Bianco, S. Amendola, and G. Marrocco
    • Recently introduced self-tuning RFID tags are capable to dynamically modify the input impedance of the embedded microchip transponder in order to compensate the possible impedance mismatch with the antenna, thus making the communication performance rather insensitive to the nearby environment.
    • Recently introduced self-tuning RFID tags [1]–​[3] in the UHF band (860–950 MHz) are capable of dynamically modifying the input impedance of the embedded integrated circuit (IC) transponder, in order to compensate the impedance mismatch with the antenna that occurs when the boundary conditions change.
    • Such devices offer an unprecedented bandwidth and permit to keep the power transfer coefficient of the tag nearly invariant when it is attached on objects made up of different materials.
    • The proposed two-port formulation could be, moreover, used to maximize the IC retuning when the tag is attached to different objects.
    • The twofold aim is maximizing the performance of the RFID link and making the communication insensitive to the variability of the surrounding environment.
    • The proposed method is based on the generalization of the self-tuning equations [4] in terms of embedded admittance and transducer power gain of a two-port network. The design of the tag antenna is, hence, formulated as a constrained optimization to exploit the whole self-tuning range of the chip.
  3. D. N. Borisov and S. A. Zuev
    • Radio frequency identification (RFID) - is a modern identification technology, which provides significantly more opportunities compared to other technologies (bar codes, QR codes, and biometrics).
    • It is based on wireless communication technology between the transponder (reader / receiver) and a tag located on the object.
    • Modern RFID tags can store up to 500 Kbytes of useful information containing both the identity and user information. And for access to read and write user information technology is used password protection of databases [1], [2]. In addition, the existing EPC Gen 2.0 standard allows us to identify each tag released as a manufacturer code and a unique code tag itself, which does not create identical clones tags [3], [4]. Existing anti-collision mechanisms tags and readers according to the standard Gen 2.0, based on the management multisession tags can increase the reading speed of 1500 tags per second, while effectively use multiple readers in close overlapping regions [5].
    • Chip RFID tags consist of two main components - antenna and microchip.
    • However, the overall dimensions of tags antennas operating in far-field antenna is determined by the efficiency of the antenna, which is achieved in the case where at least one of its dimensions equal to half the wavelength.
    • Thus, the compactness of RFID tags depends on the size of the antenna that exceeds the size of the microchip many times and, as a rule, determines the dimensions of the tags.
    • There are several types of resonant antennas. Commonly used foil half-wave dipoles or microstrip antennas of different configurations [11]. In general, the parameters of microstrip and printed dipole antennas are comparable, however, microstrip antenna can operate in a wider frequency band. Moreover, their use in many cases is determined by the specific application, bandwidth, cost of materials and production capabilities. In this paper, the antenna elements are available, which can be used for RFID tags of UHF band.
    • The paper describes several design options of antennas that can be used in the UHF band RFID tags. The microstrip antenna excited by L-probe is a simple structure with an air substrate, having dimensions of 120×110 mm. The advantage of this design is the lack of expensive clad dielectric material and the ability to control the gain of antenna by varying the size of the ground.
    • Monopole antenna allows to generate a circular (ellipsoidal) radiation in the direction perpedicular the plane of the antenna (perpendicular from the larger side). The overall dimensions of the monopole antenna are 84×100 mm. The advantage of the design is the dependence of the antenna gain on the length of the ground. Since the power of the antenna is radiated in several directions (an elliptical distribution with respect to the axis of symmetry of the antenna), the reading range for the monopole antenna is smaller than for the antenna excited by an L-probe.
  4. R. B. Di Renna, R. Brasil, V. P. Magri, T. Ferreira, and L. J. Matos
    • Two antenna models are proposed with two different types of feeding, one with coaxial feed and the other one with Y junction. Simulation results show an omnidirectional characteristic, adequate beamwidth and low value for S11 parameter.
    • Some printed RFID readers have been published in the literature, such as in [11] [12] [13] . As far as we know, the literature does not present the use of microstrip meander antennas for an RFID reader.
    • This article reports the development, design and simulations of broadband UHF (Ultra High Frequency) microstrip meander antennas for an RFID reader, operating on licensed bands around the world, including the Brazilian standardized bands.
    • The use of microstrip lines for the design of antennas dates back to the 1950s [10] . It gained popularity in the beginning of the 1980s, when more applications started to use a higher range of frequencies, which made the antenna dimensions more feasible to be printed on circuit boards. Besides that, new substrate materials were developed, which allowed lower manufacturing costs.
    • There are many scenarios where these antennas can be used, especially in IoT systems, e.g., personal authentication systems [20] . The use of RFID with IoT generally requires the storage of an IP (Internet Protocol) address on the tags [5] . These reader antennas could be placed at some terminal and the object under identification may be placed next to it, as for chipless tags. Then, the reader antennas proposed here may be either used for chipless tags or for tags with chips, which are used in IoT-based scenarios. For both cases, the tag receives signal coming from M6CF or M66LF antenna and it responds with some spectral signature, providing its identification.
    • Meander design has emerged for wire antennas in order to decrease its size [17] . Meander microstrip antennas have been developed, as in [14] , where a resonant frequency of 915 MHz has been proposed, but not as an RFID reader. Inspired on this shape of antenna, an optimization of a meander array is proposed in this article for being used as an RFID reader.
  5. Y. He and M. Chen
    • In wireless communication systems, antenna is one of key components. Some challenges have been put forward to antenna designer to design high performance and low profile antennas in order to ensure a good communication quality. For this purpose, the microstrip patch antenna is one of solutions to be considered due to its light weight, small dimension, low profile, and better efficiency with good degree of compactness and easy integration [1], [2]. In addition, microstrip antennas are easily designed and operated in linear polarization, circular polarization and multiband enviroments [3]–​[6].
    • Performance and compactness need to be considered while an antenna is designed. Several methods have been described in literature [7] to obtain performance and compactness. we all know that a microstrip patch antenna may have a very narrow bandwidth due to surface wave losses. Therefore, some techniques such as cutting slot at the ground plane, using short-circuit stub and inspired metamaterial [8] are proposed and developed to achieve wide-band operation and reduce the dimension of microstrip patch antenna. In order to improve the performance of return loss and gain of the patch antenna, a notch technique [9], a stub technique [10] and low-loss paper substrate method [11] are proposed. To increase impedance bandwidth, artificial magnetic conductor (AMC) [12] is investigated and various shapes of slots [13] are analyzed.
    • In this paper, a compact monopole antenna with single frequency band is proposed for vehicle detection application. The monopole type of antenna, which has some advantages such as small, almost omnidirectional radiation pattern and easly integration on the circuit board, is chosen. According to the simulation results, the proposed antenna is to have center frequency of 2.45 GHz for WLAN applications. The −10 dB bandwidth is more than 270 MHz (2.27-2.55 GHz), which can meet broadband applications.
    • A RFID reader antenna with simple structure, wide bandwidth and radiation performance has been proposed. The monopole antenna with broadband effect from 2.27-2.55 GHz is also achieved in the design. The obtained bandwidth covers the band of Wi-FiIWLAN/IEEE 802.11 2.4 GHz (2412–2484 MHz) and Bluetooth (2400–2484 MHz). All the features shown above are suitable for WLAN applications. Although there are some slight deviations between the measured results and simulated results in term of resonant frequency and working bandwidth, due to the different values of material properties used in the simulation and realization, i.e. relative permittivity and loss of dielectric substrate, in general the realized antenna has shown good agreements qualitatively with the simulation results. In conclusion, this type of antenna is suitable for many actual applications, especially for vehicle detection application.
  6. B. Nath, F. Reynolds, and R. Want
    • Radio frequency identification is a wireless communication technology that lets computers read the identity of inexpensive electronic tags from a distance, without requiring a battery in the tags. In the past, the lack of widely accepted industry standards and resulting market fragmentation limited RFID use to a few applications such as ticketing. “EZ-Pass” highway toll booths are one example of RFID-enabled smart tickets. However, the situation is now changing, warranting a responsible debate about RFID’s merits and implications. As RFID technology matures, it will likely unleash a new wave of applications that will exploit inexpensive and highly available automatic identification.
    • With the remarkable progress in microelectronics and low-power semiconductor technologies, inexpensive RFID tags are becoming a reality. In the near future, the price of RFID will fall below a critical threshold and these tags will become commonplace—attached to almost every manufactured item. However, for many of the potential RFID applications we’ve discussed to become a reality, developers will need to consider a host of commercial and engineering issues. These range from designing affordable RFID tags to understanding how RF propagates in complex environments such as a shopping car. At the system level, managing and validating the vast amount of data collected can also be a difficult task. Furthermore, the challenges extend to the important social issue of protecting personal data and user privacy as the tags become pervasive in our daily lives. Effective solutions for collecting and managing electronic identities will, to a large extent, determine the success of future RFID applications.
  7. K. Siakavara, S. Goudos, A. Theopoulos, and J. N. Sahalos
    • Design process and respective results for the synthesis of specific Radiofrequency Identification (RFID) tag antennas, suitable for dielectric and metallic objects, are presented. The antennas were designed for the UHF (865 MHz-869 MHz) band and their basic configuration is that of the printed spiral type. Six modification steps to the classical spiral layout are proposed and it was proved that they can lead to tags with high readability and reading distances up to 10 m when designed for dielectric object and up to 7 m in the case of metallic objects
    • The target of the present work was the synthesis of passive tag antennas operating in the European RFID UHF band of 865 MHz–869 ΜΗz, with maximum, as possible, reading distance being suitable for application at dielectric and metallic objects. For the design, the spiral shape was adopted and ICs with power threshold of –18 dBm were considered. The design focuses not only to the matching condition between the antenna and the chip but mainly to the maximization of the gain and the distribution of the maximum gain values inside a wide space range around the tag, thus ensuring high readability, independently of the orientation of the tag with respect to the reader’s antenna. These being the targets, the novel contribution of the work was the way by which the classical spiral shape of the printed antenna would be modified and the additional elements that would potentially be incorporated, to the desired performance be obtained
    • The target of the work was the synthesis of antennas suitable for UHF RFID passive tags with high readability and large reading distances. The spiral shape was selected as the initial antenna geometry and a new approach, consisting in modification of the spiral layout, was adopted in order that the target to be obtained. The proposed process focused, besides the ordinary matching between the antenna and the IC, to the proper configuration of the antenna radiation patterns. The aim was, the patterns to demonstrate wide space areas, inside which the gain values are high. In this way the readability of the tag would increase as, in practice, the plane of the tag would have various orientations with respect to the reader’s antenna. The tags were fabricated and measured and also theoretical results for the link budget in a real environment, taking into account phenomena of reflection, were received. The agreement between theoretical and experimental results is satisfactory. The tag for dielectric objects appears readability even 100 % at distances up to 10 m, when it is properly oriented. The readability reduces for random orientation, however remaining greater than 50 % up to distance of 6 m. The tag designed for metallic hosts has also satisfactory performance demonstrating readability greater than 50 % up to 7 m, when properly oriented. For random orientation, the above value reduces being greater than 30 % up to 7 m.
  8. B. Wahiba, B. Miloud, and M. S. Mohammed
    • In this paper, we present a new design of wearable planar monopole RFID antenna. It is designed to operate in Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) band of 2.45 GHz, which makes it a tracking candidate for body worn RFID passive application. The proposed antenna consists of a truncated ground plane of dimensions 90mmx18mx0.035mm, and using the wearable Jeans substrate with \pmb εr=1.68, Loss Tangent of \pmb δ = 0.025 and a thickness 1 mm. The feed-line is connected with the radiating element of the antenna at a convenient driving point position, which results in a good impedance matching, low return loss and voltage standing wave ratio. The proposed antenna gives good performance in context of efficiency, Return loss (S11), gain and bandwidth.
    • The objective of this paper is the design of a new prototype of wearable Monopole RFID antenna. The parameters of the antenna depends on, size and the type of substrate material. The simulation of wearable antennas dedicated to the passive applications is integrated in Smart clothing, and provide a new technical solution to identification problem.
    • The personal data insights from smart clothing combined with predictive analytics can create a data driven feedback and monitoring system his research and development efforts can generally be classified into three distinct areas: détection, identification, and localization of human movements.
    • In this paper, a new miniature wearable Monopole antenna is proposed for RFID applications such as remote patient monitoring (RPM), rescue operations, etc … The simulations results using the CST Microwave Studio are very satisfactory in the ISM band. In future experiments, measurements with the human interaction are expected to confirm the simulation results.